10 Angular and Typescript tricks and tips that will improve your application 



1. Define form parameters before Component definition

status: 'status',
classification: 'classification',
note: 'note'

selector: 'app-preview',
templateUrl: './preview.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./preview.component.scss']

this.form = this.formBuilder.group({
[FORM_PARAMS.status]: [false],
[FORM_PARAMS.classification]: [null],
[FORM_PARAMS.note]: [null, Validators.required]

this.form.patchValue({ [FORM_PARAMS.status]: 'status' });

2. Use renderer addClass, removeClass where possible. It will prevent too many change detection checks.

[ngClass]="isRowCollapsed(rowIndex) ? 'arrowDown' : 'arrowRight'"

collapseRow(rowIndex: number) {

(click)="collapseRow($event, rowIndex)"

collapseRow(event, rowIndex: number) {
this.render.removeClass(event.target, 'arrowDown');
this.render.addClass(event.target, 'arrowRight');

3. Try to use get, set on Input() instead ngOnChanges. When you have many Inputs in the ngOnChanges, each “if” has to be checked.

const data: SimpleChange = changes.data;
if (data && data.currentValue) {
this.data = [...data.currentValue];
if (configuration && configuration.currentValue) {
this.config = configuration.currentValue;


public _config: Config;
set configuration(value: Config) {
this._config = value;

get configuration(): Config {
return this._config;

_data: Data;
set data(value: Data) {
this._data = [...value];

get data(): any[] {
return this._data;

4. Use pipe when rendering content in ngFor 

{{ render(row, column) }}
render(row: any, column: string) {
return YourService.render(row, column);

// Faster

<td *ngFor="let column of columns">
{{ row | render:column }}

name: 'render',
export class RenderPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(row: any, column: string) {
return YourService.render(row, column);

5. Add baseUrl and path to your compilerOptions to avoid any inconsistency when importing other files

"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "src",
"paths": {
"@core/*": ["app/*"],
"@assets/*": ["assets/*"]

import { Recruitment } from '@core/domain/recruitment';


import { Recruitment } from '../../../domain/recruitment';

6. Add stylePreprocessorOptions to your angular.json file to avoid inconsistency while importing other files

"project-frontend": {
"root": "",
"sourceRoot": "src",
"projectType": "app",
"architect": {
"build": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
"options": {
"stylePreprocessorOptions": { // <--- add this
"includePaths": [

@import "variables";


@import "../../assets/style/scss/variables";

7. Run npm outdated command or add npm-check once a month to keep your dependencies updated. It will definitely help you keep track of changes. It’s much easier to update Angular 5 to 6 than 4 to 6.

8. Run npm audit command once a month to check if any of the libraries has any vulnerabilities. It will help you keep your app secure.

if [[ $(npm audit | grep Critical -B3 -A10) != '' ]]; then exit 1; fi"

9. Use parent in form validation instead of this.form which may not be initialised while doing/performing custom validation check.

static validateEndDate(fc: FormControl) {
const startDate = fc.parent.get(FORM_PARAMS.startDate);
if (startDate.value) {
const diff = fc.value - startDate.value;
return (diff < 86400) ? { endDateInvalid: true } : null;
return null;

// Incorrect

static validateEndDate(fc: FormControl) {
const startDate = this.form.get(FORM_PARAMS.startDate);
if (startDate.value) {
const diff = fc.value - startDate.value;
return (diff < 86400) ? { endDateInvalid: true } : null;
return null;

10. Keep route names as const. It will prevent accidental typos.

public static readonly LOGIN = '/login';
public static readonly RECRUITMENTS = '/recruitments';
public static readonly RECRUITMENT_EDIT = '/recruitments/:id';

goToRecruitment($event, id: number) {
this.router.navigate([ROUTE.RECRUITMENT_EDIT.replace(':id', id)]);


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